Monday, 19 January 2015

Ammoknits for charity

A few days before New Year, I started knitting tiny ammonites, or ammoknits as I've started to call them.

These spiralling coils of fun will be going to charity. As I currently volunteer in the Mind shop near me, they will be going on sale shortly after I have knitted all that I can, which will be when I run out of home grown lavender!

I have almost doubled the amount of ammoknits since these pictures were taken and more are to come!

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Mr Hedgehog

The other day, I received an email from one of my college tutors. Instantly, all of my college memories came flooding back to me and this was one of them.

During my second year of college, we were all given a project to design a wooden sculpture, safe for a primary school of which the children could interact with. A primary school somewhere in or near York had set the brief. In a way, it was a commission but we weren't paid for our work because we were all students and it was a project; so a positive learning curve developed from the experience.

Put into teams, we needed to decide who's sculpture was fit for the brief. My design was picked and so Mr Hedgehog was brought to life! Not literally though because he was made from a log...

The log was shaped and marked for various features such as the spines and the face. The spines, nose, eyes and ears were all turned on the wood lathe. A texture, giving the appearance of fur, was carved into the surface creating a more tactile object for the children to touch.

The various components of the sculpture were stained with wax and ink allowing a more interesting visual appearance. Once all glued in place, several coats of wood preserve was applied. Well, it was going to sit outside so it needed alot of coats!

And here he is, Mr Hedgehog finished and ready to be transported to his new home.

It has been 4 years since this sculpture was made. I wander how he is getting on...

Monday, 5 January 2015

Wool book

To make life a little easier when finding a certain coloured wool I like or need, I've made myself a 'wool book'. It is what it is. A small piece of wool strung to the ring binding with the colour, make and shade code written on the page next to it. By having this book, I am able to carry it around and have the sample and details with me whenever I am out and about.

Most of the wool I seem to have, no longer has the information so colours have been made up. As long as you understand your 'wool book', then that is all that matters!

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Knitted Tardis

Half a year ago, I started knitting a Tardis. It was going to be a 'welcome back' present for my mad eccentric boyfriend but I ran out of wool and couldn't finish it before he came back from his 6 week mapping project. Typical really.

I only finished it a couple of days before Christmas. The project had slogged on and I was simply fed up with it but I'm glad I stuck with it because it is done and dusted and darn does it look good!

If you are interested in making your own Tardis, here is the pattern I found...
*** Now remember, this is someone else's pattern and is therefore copyrighted. this means you can NOT sell it. You can still make it for yourself though! Just don't sell it. ***

This is quite a basic pattern but experiment, if you fail the first time, laugh and learn from it. Look at other Tardis patterns on the tinterweb for inspiration and just go for it!

Happy knitting my fellow Moment-eers!